Aminet 19
Aminet 19 (1997)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 1997].iso
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Text File
177 lines
Changes made since b14 -> Final Release:
External directory now pulls the last path you entered back onto the
string path line. (StuEG)
Fixed Un-Tag bug in Delete File(s) & Move File(s). (StuEG)
While in external dir mode if Move is activated then file is imported
but not deleted from the original source, try it - It's great! (StuEG)
While compiling an external list - FList now shows Directories as
commented out files.bbs notes :). (StuEG)
Updated FList.Guide to include all new developments. (StuEG)
Fixed area change bug where area number would appear as "FA"... (StuEG)
making ANSI lines appear ALLOVER the place on the remote terminal,
but because Sami didn't code the // graphics handling
correctly it appears fine at the local terminal, apolgies this WAS
beyond my control but is now fixed. (StuEG)
Now when you delete a file in External Directory mode it no longer
PERMENANTLY dumps a "Files.BBS" in that external dir. (StuEG)
Fixed bug whereby after quitting via CDRom menu FList wouldn't mark
ANY tagged files :((! (StuEG)
Fixed wrong page number bug in CDRom Area changing. (StuEG)
FList now FULLY works with MultiLine bbs systems!! (StuEG)
FList now doesn't display files with spaces in their name. (StuEG)
FList converts file descriptions with TABS in (Ascii 9) to a space (StuEG)
Fixed problem with page numbers from time to time. (StuEG)
When editting file description, if nothing is entered (i.e. BLANK) then
FList will give the file a description of :-
"[FList] -- No Description Available --" (StuEG)
When "Resetting" colours in the palette editing now ONLY the area of
the "Requestor" is cleared & redrawn, not the whole screen. (StuEG)
Now "Q" quits the palette mode, it did NOT before :). (StuEG)
Added Keypad and "Spectrum" HIDDEN keys to Palette Menu :)). (StuEG)
Now pressing "Q" while FList is in "load-up" stage will cause it to
quit :) - Good if you press the wrong key and don't wanna wait around! (StuEG)
FList now differenciates between "Maximum marks per transfer"
and "Maximum marks before file ratio expires" (NeilB)
If user edits a file description which has a FILE_ID.DIZ then FList now
lets you edit the actual DIZ instead of the "FILE_ID.DIZ Description"
line! :) (StuEG)
Reduced code from 91.8k down to 89.9k by replacing a well used function
by a routine. (StuEG)
Fixed possible crash at startup with config path. (StuEG)
TransAmiga's message area is now "Trump"'d and re-scanned after a
"nukeing" has taken place :). (StuEG)
Fixed "highlight previous marks" bug - now all files previously marked
with FList will re-appear in flist upon re-entry. (StuEG)
Added function that confirms "Are you SURE you want to delete" upon
requesting a delete. (JoHen)
Now all COPY commands carry the "noreq" parameter to stop Intuition
thinking it's clever :). (StuEG)
Now correctly handles filenames with spaces in them by trashing them
and printing "[FList] Illegal, Filename contains space" as the file
description. (StuEG)
Removed "double" area information in logfile at FList startup. (StuEG)
Made moving file mode a bit more colourful :). (StuEG)
Added progress meter and "Files Marked:" update to Move, Copy and
Delete functions. (StuEG)
Fixed bug in "Search For Files" whereby display may become "corrupted"
if search string existed on current page and current page number was
1 or the last. (StuEG)
Fixed tiny bug in the newly developed "file_id.diz" editting function
whereby it would go way past the end of the filelist asking you for
a new line description! (StuEG)
Now whenever the filelist is re-written you get a 0-100% display at the
bottom of FList just to let you know it is doing something :) (For
those of you who have quiet harddrives =) ). (StuEG)
Author dishes out maximum respect to the Prodigy ;) ( n/a )
Author keeps his fingers crossed and hopes the launch goes well :*) ( n/a )
Changes made since b13 -> b14:
Fixed error in FList guide referring to a "<NETSET>" where I left off
one night and was supposed to continue but didn't :(. (StuEG)
Fixed another error in FList.Guide in regards to the "Archive Editor"
- now corrected to inform of IceArc usage. (StuEG)
Fixed NUMEROUS things in the FList.Guide :-(. (StuEG)
Fixed problem with File_ID.Diz support for "File_Id" and saved files. (StuEG)
Fixed problem with area change where NO CLS was performed the area name
& marked files didn't get updated :/. (StuEG)
File paths for CONFIG TEXT & BIN no added to FList.Cfg. (StuEG)
Now ALL filepaths get format checked (i.e. Trailing /'s / etc.) and are
corrected if their are any errors. (StuEG)
Fixed a tiny bug in exepath's bar-mode. (StuEG)
Corrected some typos. (StuEG)
Added "NUKE" Option (Read the guide file) <This RULES :)>. (StuEG)
TOTALLY Re-Wrote the area changing routines :(((! (StuEG)
"File area modified" no longer goes mad if you have loaded an external
dir that already contains a files.bbs :). (StuEG)
Installed "@HELPHIM" which will display the help ansi to the user after
entering a specified number of unknown commands. (See GUIDE). (StuEG)
FArea dropped FTM due to bad mathematical problems inside the code. (StuEG)
Forgot to tell you all about "@LAMEACC" which has been there since b3! (StuEG)
FList now needs "rexxsupport.library" to be present to work correctly. (StuEG)
Re-Implemented the CDRom Support (Like I said I always would hehe ;)). (StuEG)
Fixed the "You didn't upload this file" bit from being off lined. (StuEG)
Finally fixed the problem where the "File Failed" ANSI wouldn't always
appear. (StuEG)
Fixed a typo! :). (StuEG)
Fixed loads of misc stuff that you don't need to know about ;-). (StuEG)
Made the example NukeReport inside the distro archive look a lot
sexier :). (StuEG)
The "Options (Part x)" bar at the bottom of FList now looks REALLY
nice. (StuEG)
-- == [[ F I R E S T A R T E R ]] == --
** Ok I think it's time for FList v2.00 to be released... Wish me luck! **
-- == [[ F I R E S T A R T E R ]] == --
Changes made since b12 -> b13:
Carrier checking installed into Areachange routine. (StuEG)
Included SYNTAX error parsing in "FlistLoad.Trans". (StuEG)
Removed screen redraw after deleting file(s). (StuEG)
Removed screen re-scroll after editting description(s). (StuEG)
File(s) now get DE-SELECTED after "Copying File(s)" or "Ice File(s)". (StuEG)
Added "ICE" option as key "." - Check out the guide =)). (StuEG)
Increased "UserHelp" time by 5 seconds as it was annoying users. (StuEG)
Changed "Sorry Maximum Amount Of Files Marked!" to
"Sorry Maximum Amount Of Files Marked! - Ratio Expired". (StuEG)
During "File Move" Screen is Now ONLY redrawn IF `Area List' was
requested. (StuEG)
Archive Editting (Viewing) is now controlled via "IceArc" thus cutting
a LOT from the FList.Cfg (Speeding up loading) and cutting about 2k
of code from FList.Trans (Speeding up rexx) :) (StuEG)
Screen no longer redraws after area changing if you entered a number
straight away without having to list areas. (StuEG)
Speeded up area files.bbs loading dramatically. (StuEG)
If an area number is entered, that the user isn't allowed access to or
the area entered is invalid, after they have used the "?" option to LIST
areas then FList now informs "Illegal Access...." instead of just
returning to the area change prompt. (StuEG)
<*>FULL<*> FILE_ID.Diz Support in "File Description" file ("File_Id")
& File Remarking routines. <Nasty Pasty Re-Coding :[> (StuEG)
Fixed some typos in the .GUIDE file (StuEG)
Fixed a typo in the code that stopped that "Clear Marks By Range"
function. (StuEG)
Made the "File_Id" file look like Cindy Crawford 8) <i.e. really sexy>.(StuEG)
* Please Note: If you want to view the ALL new File_Id (You don't get the
option with a LOCAL LOGON :() - Mark some files, quit FList and when
it asks for RETURN right at the end then flip into the background and
view the file: "File_Id" in the specified "Tempath". *
*** I can't find ANY more bugs ATM - Please respond ASAP if you do find any
as I'm in a hurry to get v2.0 released onto the Aminet/TAFILES/etc. ***
Changes made since b11 -> b12:
ANSI file old year dating (1994/1995) changed to 1996. (NeilB)
GUIDE states that a Commodore Installer now exists to install FList. (NeilB)
Node title in GUIDE bad grammar - corrected that :). (NeilB)
In GUIDE - Remark Node - Output had "b10" (beta 10) there - now 2.0. (NeilB)
GUIDE & C= Installer state that config files can/will be editted. (NeilB)
Logging made completely optional. (NeilB)
Load time statistics at FList boot-up now made optional. (NeilB)
Text file&Seperate script to inform "FList is loading" on slower migs. (NeilB)
Included a "BetaSupport/" dir in the distro for BBS Ads of btstrs :) (NeilB)
GUIDE now states that the "FILE:" assign is needed by FList and should
point towards your main file Directory/Device. (DarrD)
CED won't run in "-keepio" mode even if Installer Icon stack is set to
100000! - -keepio wasn't essential so it has been removed. (DarrD)
Few internal changes & display bug fixes. (StuEG)
Removed @ Variable in FList.cfg for "Generating FileList Copy Path
Access Level" as that feature was removed AAAGGGESS ago :). (StuEG)
Added nice "Fireworks" MWB Icon to FList's drawer =). (StuEG)
Author Note:
** Sorry FList v2.0b12 wasn't ready as soon as I promised but have been **
** busy with Upl v1.1 - Tom Pereira's BBS is still down (TLT) and I want **
** him to give it a final beta before v2.00 is released for real, wait.. **